Agata Bonenberg

Agata Bonenberg is a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Poznan University of Technology, a Director of the Institute of Interior Design and Industry Design and a head of Interior design course of study. She is a visiting professor at Chongqing Jiaotong University in China. In her professional career she worked for Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Gevova, Italy and other architectural practices throughout Germany, Australia, Scotland. Team member for Renzo Piano Building Workshop prestigious museum designs in Europe and USA: MUSE in Trento, Italy and California Accademy of Sciences in San Francisco. From 2014 till 2020 taught at Scuola di Architettura e Società and Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni at Politecnico di Milano. Author of over 120 scientific peer-reviewed publications, multiple patent owner, architect, designer.  Her research led at the Institute of Interior Design and Industry Design concentrates on sustainability in architecture and interior design through implementation of new materials, for example Mycelium Material for growing elements of furnishing and finishes. She leads studies in universal, inclusive and accessible design.

Barbara Linowiecka

Barbara Linowiecka graduated from Interior Design at the University of Arts in Poznan. She received her Doctor of Fine Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Poznan University of Technology, where she teaches interior architecture. She is the author of many scientific publications, and her range of interests is related to identity of place, ecology in design processes, eyetracking and universal design. She is an active designer, author of more than 100 projects for public and private interiors, appreciated and publicized in trade magazines, author meetings and numerous national and international exhibitions.

Marco Lucchini

Marco Lucchini Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at Politecnico di Milano teaches at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering; he carries out his research activities within the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies.
The teaching activity concerns Architectural Design Studio in Master’s Degree Course in Architecture, Built Environment and Interiors and Architectural Design Studio at Bachelor’s Degree Course in Architecture as well as various master’s degree theses. The research lines developed over time address some fundamental questions that have been developed both in a practical dimension, through design research, and in a theoretical one. In particular, the relationship between permanence and change in settlement forms at different
scales, the phenomenology of languages, investigated both with regards to the relationships between form and construction and for the areas relating to the syntactic and semantic dimension, the theme of the house and living, the identity aspects of architecture in historical and landscape contexts.
These sides are part of a single epistemological construction that considers architectural knowledge as a material to be worked on, dismantled, and reassembled in such a way as to ensure that the thoughts of the past, concretized in the forms and spaces of the built environment, give places to others new thoughts to convey and discuss.
Among the last works: Jaen i Urban, G., Lucchini, M. (2023), Barcelona/Milán: arquitecturas modernas en contacto. Del fascismo a la democracia, Publicaciones Universidad De Alicante; Lucchini, M. (2023) Il corpo post-pandemico. Dal perturbante alla flessibilità, in M. Bassanelli, I. Forino, L. Lanini, M. Lucchini (Eds), Per una Nuova Casa Italiana. Prospettive di ricerca e di progetto per la post-pandemia, Pisa University Press.

Gianluca Vita

Professore di ruolo presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino dall’anno accademico 2022\23. Professore a contratto presso il Politecnico di Milano (dall’anno accademico 2008/09 al 2022/23 continuativamente) in lingua italiana ed inglese e presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (dall’anno accademico 2015/16 al 2021/22 continuativamente) professore di Prima Fascia presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze nell’anno accademico 2020\21 e l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino nell’anno accademico 2021\22.
In questo periodo ha sviluppato una profonda conoscenza della rappresentazione classica e di quella digitale ed ha utilizzato ed insegnato sia all’interno dell’accademia che nel campo professionale un ampio ventaglio di software per la rappresentazione digitale e la modellazione parametrica approfondendo sia l’aspetto teorico che quello pratico dell’utilizzo del Media informatico. Il progetto non può infatti prescindere dagli strumenti che vengano utilizzati per la sua realizzazione.
Ha inoltre sviluppato una serie di ricerche nell’ambito dei software “OPEN SOURCE” introducendoli nell’ambito universitario come strumento cardine dello sviluppo e della ricerca. Si è quindi fatto poi promotore del workshop internazionale di progettazione CortonaOpen3d con l’utilizzo del software BLENDER open source inteso non come mero strumento di rappresentazione, ma come artefatto in grado di modificare l’atto stesso del progettare, arrivando ad essere invitato come relatore alla “Blender conference” del 2015 e del 2019. Il workshop è stato riconosciuto come attività formativa ufficiale con il riconoscimento di cfu dal Politecnico di Milano, dall’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, dall’Universidad de Zaragoza e dalla ESDA (Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón).